Monday, January 4, 2010

Batteries built out of paper

Well, this time we made batteries out of paper. check this first news on your school blog

Researchers at Stanford University have used nanotechnology to create lightweight, bendable batteries out of paper .

The paper batteries are designed to be folded, crumpled or even soaked in an acidic solution and still work, according to Yi Cui, assistant professor of materials science and engineering at Stanford. The team created the batteries by coating a sheet of paper with ink made of carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires.

Stanford offered no indication of when the batteries might be ready for commercial use.

The striking aspect of the development is "how a simple thing in daily life -- paper -- can be used as a substrate to make functional conductive electrodes by a simple process," said Peidong Yang, professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, in a statement.

The nanotubes used in the paper batteries and supercapacitors have a very small diameter, which enables the ink made from them to stick tightly to the paper. The university noted that the paper supercapacitors may be able to handle 40,000 charge-discharge cycles, which is an order of magnitude more than lithium batteries can withstand.

Cui pointed out that the nanomaterials make better conductors than traditional materials because they can move electricity more efficiently.

This is just the latest report of scientists using nanotechnology to further battery research.

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