Sunday, January 24, 2010

Parrot's new augmented reality drone is piloted by iPhone and iPod touch

                Unmanned Drones have become synonymous with destructive bombings of remote places. They were recently made famous due to the various attacks by US on hilly Afghanistan territories. It was unveiled at CES 2010 and caused a sensation there even without a demo. It has a shape like a flying saucer and is named the A.R. Drone where A.R- Stands for augmented reality. The makers (Parrot) gave a live demonstration near their office on the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris.
                Unsuspecting commuters watched in awe as the “Quadricopter”(As the company calls it) zipped and zoomed past them. It was demonstrated by one of the 10 engineers who spent the last four years working on this drone. It’s easy to control as the engineer pressed one button to make the Drone hover above the ground right over the canal. He maneuvered it expertly to swing it around trees and bushes and park benches by just tilting his iPhone sideways.

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